EdgeTech 2000-DSS is an integrated geophysical survey device for SSS (Side-Scan Sonar) and SBP (Sub-Bottom Profiler) operations. OEC operates this equipment in deep waters which have a depth of up to 1,500m. High S/N ratio seabed images with both high resolution and wide coverage can be achieved with its SSS due to dual frequency Chirp signatures of 100kHz and 400kHz. Its SBP can depict high resolution sub-bottom strata down to 50m deep from the seafloor thanks to its 2 – 16kHz Chirp signatures. Heading, attitude and depth of the EdgeTech towfish are measured by embedded sensors.

EdgeTech 2000-DSS allows us to operate a tandem tow configuration with either the magnetometer GEOMETRICS G880 or G882 so that simultaneous recordings of sub-bottom strata and marine magnetic field data can be conducted. OEC performs these surveys in waters up to 1,500m deep.