Message from CEO
Our range of business activities is mainly centered on Japan’s territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) which have an extremely wide diversity in their depth range, geological formative processes, environmental conditions, ecosystems and so on. From ancient times, people living in Japan’s islands have been strongly influenced by these surrounding waters and in recent centuries, these marine environments and ecosystems have been deeply impacted by human development.
OEC is an engineering company whose purpose is “Connecting the Oceans and Society through Marine Surveying” in Japan’s waters, waters which possess a high potential in a wide range of industries both globally and locally.
In particular, we are a leading company in Japan in the field of route surveys for submarine infrastructures, i.e., communication cables, power cables and pipelines.
Economic activity in Japan’s water is now dramatically changing due to the recent initiation of Offshore Wind Farm projects. Consequently, we shall actively work to maintain our leadership as we update and enhance our survey and engineering techniques for our customers. We do this as a reflection of our motto “Reliability, Accuracy, Safety and Rapidity”.
Takaho KITA
CEO, Ocean Engineering Corp.
March, 2023
Basic Information about us
Company name | Ocean Engineering Corporation. |
Address | 43 Miyukigaoka, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Pref., 305-0841, JAPAN |
TEL | +81 29 897 3151 |
FAX | +81 29 897 3152 |
Capital | 50 million yen |
History | 1973 Founded on 4 April as “Ocean Survey Ltd., Inc.” 1990 Joined OYO Corp. Group 1995 Introduced Shallow-Water Multibeam Echosounder “RESON Seabat 9001” 1996 Re-established on 6 September as “Ocean Engineering Corporation” 2000 Introduced Med-Water Multibeam Echosounder “Kongsberg EM1002” 2012 Introduced Deep-Water Multibeam Echosounder “Kongsberg EM302” 2016 Transferred office to current location 2022 Introduced Remotely Operated Towed Vehicle “EIVA Scanfish Katria” in conjunction with 4 magnetometer “Geometrics G-882” |
Chief Executive Officer | Takaho KITA |
Business registration | Land & Marine Survey Company (測量業 (第(6)- 24293 号) ) |
Number of employees | 22 |
OEC Information Security Policy
1. Scope of application
Application of this policy relates to information assets held by the Company and related agents and all employees (including part-time workers, and agency supplied temporary staff).
2. Information management
We continually improve our information security operations, and provide regular training to all employees. In addition, we appropriately manage the information we handle.
3. Countermeasures
In order to manage and limit risks to data that we handle in the course of business, which may potentially include data loss, data corruption and data leakage, we have implemented extensive technical and environmental measures and continuously improve our systems.
4. Compliance
In managing information security, we shall comply with relevant laws and regulations such as ISO 27001, contractual obligations, and social norms.
OEC Health and Safety Policy
Ocean Engineering Corp. (OEC) is composed of marine survey specialists working in all waters from the open sea to harbors, lakes and rivers, and we are well aware of the dangers in our various fields of operation. Consequently, we are thus able to anticipate many of the potential issues and we actively work to avoid them.
OEC’s philosophy in this respect is “Injure No One” and “No One Is To Be Injured.”
With the above philosophy and these responsibilities in mind, OEC has implemented the following policies:
1. Believing that the health and safety of the people working for us and with us is the most important principle for our operational activities, we actively adhere to the goal of “Safety First.”
2. Complying with all relevant laws and company regulations related to health and safety, OEC always strives to pursues the improvement of our health and safety management.
3. In order to prevent potential injuries and illnesses associated with our operational activities, OEC aims to eliminate the various sources of danger that might be encountered.
4. In order to eliminate the potential occurrence of injury due to on-site accidents, OEC strives to clarify operational processes. In this regard, OEC carries out and update a regular program of education relating to Safe Operational Practices (SOP).
5. While fully respecting our employees and their families, we are constantly developing and implementing measures for them so that they may take appropriate rest and relaxation periods which we believe will lead to higher work performance.
6. In order to ensure a strong health and safety consciousness, OEC works hard to communicate good working practices with all staff.
7. OEC will continue to invest management resources in health and safety education and related facilities, and we will also continuously work hard to improve them.
May 1, 2023
C.E.O., Takaho KITA
Access to our office
By public transportation (Train and Bus):
Get off at “Kenkyu-Gakuen Station (TX19)” on Tsukuba-Express Line (Originating at Akihabara Station in Tokyo), and then, ride on OYO shuttle bus to our office. It takes about 7min. (See time schedule of the bus)
By car:
5 minutes’ drive from “Tsukuba-Chuou Exit” on Ken-ou Express Way
Location of bus-stop for the free shuttle bus operated by OYO Corp.
Approx. 20 – 30 meters to the right after exiting Kenkyu-Gakuen Station (TX19).
There are two benches in front of the bus-stop.
Affiliated Company
Domestic OYO Group Companies
OYO Corporation
Main Operations of the OYO Group
A host of technical activities ranging from ground investigations associated with roads and city planning, construction of civil engineering structures and building structures, to design and construction management.
Engineering and Risk Services Corporation
Building evaluation, soil environment evaluation, and disaster risk evaluation
KCS Co., Ltd.
From road planning, traffic analysis, traffic big data analysis, public transportation planning to economic ripple effect analysis and economic loss prediction
KOEI Consultant Co., Ltd.
City planning, structures design, surveying, and construction management
Nankyu Geo Technics Corporation
Geological and soil surveys, civil engineering design
NS Environment Corporation
Environmental surveys and data collection, environmental hygiene management and asbestos related surveys, analysis and countermeasures
OYO Geo-Monitoring Service Corporation
Rental of measuring instruments, measurement services, sales of impermeable and waterproofing materials
OYO Resource Management Co., Ltd.
Sales and leasing of office equipment, etc. and management of real estate
OYO RMS Corporation
Analysis of natural disaster risks and advisory services
Tohoku Boring Co., Ltd.
Well construction, well maintenance, design and construction of water treatment facilities, geological and soil surveys
Overseas OYO Group Companies
Fong Consult Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)
Civil engineering, construction design, and construction management
FC Inspection Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)
Inspection of infrastructure such as roads and tunnels
Geometrics, Inc. (California, U.S.A.)
Development, manufacture and sale of seismographs, magnetometers and Geoelectrical instruments
Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. (New Hampshire, U.S.A.)
Development, manufacture and sale of underground radar exploration equipment
IRIS Instruments SAS (France)
Development, manufacture and sale of electric exploration equipment
Kinemetrics, Inc. (California, U.S.A.)
Development, manufacture, and sale of seismometers, and seismic observation systems
OYO Corporation, Pacific (Guam, U.S.A.)
Geological and soil surveys, civil engineering design
OYO Corporation U.S.A. (California, U.S.A.)
North America Regional Headquarters
Robertson Geologging LTD. (U.K.)
Development, manufacture and sale of logging equipment